Teens often respond to stress by isolating or numbing out with screens or substances—coping mechanisms with severe downsides.

Confess Your Stress introduces teens to coping mechanisms with upsides.

These include:

  • Group Sharing and bonding exercises
  • Worry Jars
  • A deep understanding of the mind/body connection
  • Balance Bracelets

Let House of Thrive create a workshop for your family, group, or school.

    Please do not send personal medical info in your message

    The Confess Your Stress workshop was amazing!!  Thank you again for flexing with us, for coming up with something wonderful.  You gave kids tools, experience, and insight into how to deal with their stress and be able to cope in positive ways.  It was awesome.  THANK YOU!!

    — Patti Tacklind (Scholarship and Financial Aid Specialist at Laguna Beach High School)
    two boys wearing superhero outfits and posing
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